The Syrian-born in Sweden – who are they?

Who are the Syrians in Sweden? Today, the Syrian-born population is the largest immigrant group in Sweden. Compared with the demographics for this group in 2010, a larger share of the Syrian-born now have a higher education. They are also younger and less geographically concentrated, according to a new book chapter written by demographers Siddartha Aradhya and Eleonora Mussino. … Mer The Syrian-born in Sweden – who are they?

New research project on segregation in Sweden

Author: Amber Beckley  Dr. Bo Malmberg, of the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University, is the Principal Investigator of the research program “The Neighborhood Revisited: Spatial polarization and social cohesion in contemporary Sweden” which received 40.24 million kronor from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences). This is a 6-year research … Mer New research project on segregation in Sweden

Why are there so many single households in Sweden?

Author: Gunnar Andersson There seems to be some curiosity outside Sweden over the statistics on single households in this country. Comparable statistics tend to suggest that Sweden is a country of lone wolves, with a lot of people living as singles in households of their own. The theme has also been on display in film, … Mer Why are there so many single households in Sweden?

Why Sweden was ready for Metoo

Author: Signe Svallfors, PhD student in Demography at Stockholm University and active in RFSU (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, IPPF Sweden) No-one can have missed the massive wave of societal debate on sexual violence and harrassment against women that awakened in October 2017 through Metoo. The campaign has gained such global impact that debaters … Mer Why Sweden was ready for Metoo

Därför var Sverige redo för Metoo

Av: Signe Svallfors, doktorand i sociologisk demografi vid Stockholms universitet och aktiv i RFSU Stockholm Ingen kan ha missat den flodvåg till samhällsdebatt om sexuella övergrepp och trakasserier som vaknade i oktober 2017 genom Metoo. Kampanjen har fått sådant genomslag globalt att debattörer börjat tala om en feministisk revolution. I Sverige har uppslutningen kring Metoo … Mer Därför var Sverige redo för Metoo

High ambitions but lacking contacts can be a health risk

Author: Alexander Miething Young adults with non-Swedish background suffer more often from worse mental health than their peers without immigrant background. In particular, young adults with Iranian parents experience depressive symptoms more often. This can be explained by a combination of high ambitions and lacking certain occupational contacts. These are the results of a new … Mer High ambitions but lacking contacts can be a health risk